The Alternative to Trustpilot for Online Brokers
Discover a better way to collect, manage and showcase user reviews.
Say goodbye to disputing reviews on Trustpilot!
Hide a small percentage of your reviews at will, if you suspect they are fake or were posted in error. No explanations or justifications are required.
We verify your reviewers' identity
Share their client ID when you invite reviews, or ask users to verify their identity through Brokerpedia in one click. We'll share their details with you, avoiding endless back and forth.
Get more granular insights
Because we ask traders to rate your service across its range of markets, trading platforms, trading tools, deposit and withdrawal options, and customer service, you'll know exactly what they like least and most.
No duplicate reviews
Because we only allow traders to review your service once, you'll avoid duplicate or repeated reviews.
No cloned accounts
Because we manually assign reviews to your account, you'll never get reviews across cloned accounts.
How it works
Get user reviews
Get listed on Brokerpedia, start collecting user reviews and build your BrokerScore for free.Show them on your website
When you're ready, add our widgets to your website to showcase your BrokerScore and/or testimonials.Convert more clients
Trust is hard-earned and easily lost. Build trust instantly with prospective clients, and get up to 34% more traders.*Our service
Create an account to add these user rating widgets to your website in a few clicks. They're all mobile-friendly, and available in 9 languages.
Get more reviews
Do you want more reviews? Ask your traders for feedback directly from your website.Build trust
Build trust with potential clients by drawing their attention to your listing on Brokerpedia.BrokerScore
Category Callout
Highlight your service rating (e.g. Excellent) and star rating in one of our 5 categories.Horizontal Widget
Highlight your service rating, BrokerScore and total number of reviews in horizontal format.Testimonials
Get granular insights into what traders like most and least about your service across 5 categories, and use these insights to improve your processes:
Range of markets;
Trading platform;
Trading tools;
Deposits and withdrawals;
Customer service.
Track the number of reviews you've received over time. We'll also break this down by sentiment, across positive, negative, and mixed reviews.
We'll also show you how many reviews you've replied to over time, to help you improve customer engagement.