What's the best time to trade GBP/USD in your opinion? This currency pair could appreciate when the Fed starts cutting interest rates.


5 May. 2024

For me, the best time has always been during the London and New York sessions overlap. So, like, 8 AM to 12 PM EST. That's when you get the most action.

6 May. 2024

Interesting. I've heard that overlap is pretty intense. Have you got any stories from trading then?

6 May. 2024

Oh man, plenty. I remember this one time, I was trading during that overlap and saw the markets move in my favour when a news story dropped. It was wild. Ended up making a nice chunk of profit in like 15 minutes. Felt like a rockstar!

6 May. 2024

Haha, that sounds epic! I usually trade in the mornings EST, but I guess I’ve been missing out on the big moves. Ever had any losses trading at that time?

7 May. 2024

For sure. There was this one time I got too cocky. Thought I had the trend nailed, but a surprise economic report flipped the market. Lost a bit on that one. Learned the hard way to always keep an eye on the news calendar, and avoid making large bets around that time.

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